26 March, 2011

Making and Breaking Bubbles

This week we made bubbles and then we wrote a recount about what happened. We are learning to write things in order by using words like first, then, next, after that and finally.

This morning we made bubbles by the field. First Talia had a turn and I had a turn. They were the colour of rainbows. Then we swapped with Myah, Melissa and Billie. It was orange. Next we blew the bubbles. I slam whacked the bubbles. I even made a heart. When we swapped with Abby's group Abby made it all frothy. Miss Y took a picture of Talia. Finally we went back inside. Anaya

Today room 6 went by the playground to blow bubbles. It was fun. First we went outside. Then we got in teams. Next we blew bubbles. I ran into the bubbles and I went with Melissa. Finally we went back to the class. Billie

25 March, 2011

Cooking Lemonade Scones

Today we made lemonade scones using a recipe from:
http://www.kidspot.co.nz/recipes-for+603+++Lemonade-scones.htmThey were really easy to make. We didn't have self-raising flour so we had to add 4 1/2 tsp of baking powder to the recipe. We talked about temperature and measurments again.

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.

Week 8 Assembly Awards

Assembly Awards Week 7

18 March, 2011


Cooking Week 7 - Savoury Bread Cases

This week we made something savoury. You can find the recipes we used at
http://www.foodinaminute.co.nz/Recipes/Mini-Spaghetti-Pies and
We did change a few ingredients. We used margarine, parsley and luncheon instead of butter, chives, bacon and ham. It was a 100% thumbs up all round for taste.

We talked about safety when cooking again. We also talked about maths measurements and the symbols for degrees, celsius and minutes.

17 March, 2011

Earthquake and Fire Drills

Our topic now is called 'What's the Plan, Stan?" and it is about being prepared and having a plan in case of an emergency. We already have a plan in case there is a fire at school and we have had several practise fire drills. Yesterday we learnt a new song which helps us to remember what to do in an earthquake. The words are:

Stop, drop, be like a turtle,
Under the table, away from the windows.
Stay still, under the table,
Wait 'till the shaking stops!
You can watch the video through this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ak8DWpBatEw
Here is a video of a suprise practise earthquake drill. How did we do?

16 March, 2011

Week 6 Assembly Awards

Week 5 Assembly Awards

Come back soon, Ms R. We will miss you.

Ms R is going to teach at Auckland University for a few months. She told us to imagine she is going on a trip to the moon and she will be back soon. We made her an enormous card with lovely messages to tell her how much we love PE with her and to come back real soon!

02 March, 2011

Recount Writing - PE

All the children in room 6 (without exception) LOVE PE so we wrote a recount about it. We have to start with the orientation which includes who, what, where and when? How do you think we have done, have we included these things?

Yesterday our class went to PE and we went on the scooters and we did a course. I love PE because I like playing with the stuff. Melissa

Yesterday our class had fun. I feel happy when I am at PE. I love PE because it’s fun. Abby

I love PE because I like sitting on the scooters. I had to jump on the blue mat. Talia

Yesterday we went to PE. It was fun. We went into the hall. We went on the scooters and we jumped off the stage onto the big blue mat. Miss R put cones out on Tuesday. Brianna

Yesterday after morning tea we went to PE and I did a forwards flip on the big blue mat and I played on the scooters too. Holly

Yesterday we did PE. Ms R let us go on the scooters. I like PE because I do big spins on the mat. It was at the hall. Mr R was there. I love playing at PE. Anaya

Yesterday we went to PE in the hall and I went on the mat and I did flips. I like it. Gemma

Yesterday Room six went to PE. I did a forward roll. I felt excited at PE. Micaiah

We went to PE yesterday and room 6 did a course and we jumped on the blue mat and Ms R was there too and I felt happy. Amelia

Room 6 went to PE and we got to go on the scooters and I felt crazy. Jack

Yesterday we went to PE and I did a forward flip and I jumped over and under the poles and we went on the scooters too. Ashton

Yesterday room six went to PE in the gym. We zig zagged and limboed under a pole with Ms R. William

Yesterday room 6 went to PE. I did a flip on the blue mat. I went on the scooters. I did zig zags. Tymon

Yesterday after morning tea I felt full of beans in the hall. We were doing PE. Arama

Yesterday room 6 went to the hall and we went on the blue mat and we climbed over the thing and on the mat you had to go around the thing. Fraser