16 April, 2011

Eric Carle Inspired Artwork

Eric Carle is a famous author and illustrator and while reading one of his books "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" we because interested in the artwork in it. We read a few more of his books and Abby even brought in a book from home to share. The artwork was similar in all of them. We found he had an awesome website with video tutorials on it that explained how he created his fabulous colourful art http://www.eric-carle.com/slideshow_paint.html and . They are collages. He paints layers of paint on tissue paper with different patterns and then he creates a stencil and cuts out the images piece by piece. We had to adapt his technique. I think the results are amazing. What do you think?

15 April, 2011

Terrific Talent Fest Stars!!

Wow, wow, wow!!! You saw them here first. Our fabulous group of girls were amazing on the stage. They put in a huge effort preparing for their performance for many weeks beforehand. They may be famous one day.

Week 11 Assembly Awards

Cheyenne has been working really hard in reading and I am happy to say she has moved up to Orange group. Arama has also moved on to Turquoise group in reading and he is also taking leaps and bounds in his recount writing. WELL DONE!

14 April, 2011

Bullying Stops Here!!

Today was 'Pink Shirt Day' It is an internationally recognised day which aims to show that bullying is not OK and won't be tolerated. We had a fantastic turnout of people wearing pink in Waiuku Primary School. Here is a photo of all of the room six pupils who were 'pinked out'. One boy even dyed his hair pink. WOW!

13 April, 2011

Buzz, buzz, buzzzzzzzz

We have had a little bit of an unplanned bee theme going on in Room 6. First we read 'Willbee the Bumblebee' by the NZ author Craig Smith. It is a very funny story and you can read the words on Craig's website: http://www.craigsmith.co.nz/lyrics-willbee-the-bumblebee.php We were also lucky enough to hear Craig read and sing us the story last week when he visited Waiuku. Recently we read a story called 'Bertha and the Beeman' and we have even examined a dead bumblebee closely under our microscoope. So, now that we knew exactly what they looked like we decided it was time to draw some bees. The children used a computer programme called Kidspix. First they needed to draw the picture with black outlines before they filled in the colour.

Week 11 Assembly Awards

Al-Hayy has been trying really hard in reading making sure that he understands the stories he reads. He moved up to Green reading group. Melissa has also been putting in an awesome effort in writing and has written some great recounts.

06 April, 2011

The Firewise Show

Here are some of the fabulous recounts room 6 children have written. They have been working really hard to write the events in the order they happened by using words like first, then, next, after etc. I think they are doing an awesome job so far. What do you think? Miss Y

Check back later for photos of the Firewise show.

This morning year zero to year two went to the hall to see the Firewise Show. First Mat got Kirsten to go up and not to touch matches to keep ourself safe. After we watched amovie about the candle that got on fire. Later we tested the smoke alarm. At last Mat read a story. Finally we practised "get down, get low, get out". Arama

This morning year zero to year two went to the hall to have a firewise show. First firefighter Mat chose Kirsten to come up to the front to give matches to Mat. Next he got a candle out and asked all of us if it was in a good place or not. After that we watched a movie. Later he taught us about smoke alarms and they're life savers and you have to change the smoke alarm batteries. Before the end he read us a story. In the end we practised if there was a real fire by crawling under material and we went back to class. Jackson

This morning room 6 went up to the hall to see a show about fire safety. First Max picked me to sho what to do with matches. Then Max showed us where it is safe to put a candle. Next we watched a movie. Kirsten

On Tuesday year 0 to year 2 went to the hall. First fireman Mat showed us a lighter and matches. Fireman Mat and Kirsten showed us what to do if we see matches. We go to an adult and ask the adult to put them up high. Cheyenne

Today room 6 went to the hall to see a fire show. First at the show he told us not to use lighters and matches. Next he told us to use a holder for a candle. Next he told us that you can't smell smoke so we have smoke alarms. After we watched a movie. In the movie there was a candle beside the curtain. Then there was a fire in the house. Amelia

This morning room 6 went up to the hall. The firefighter man showed us to give matches to adults first. Then he told us don't play with candles. Tymon

05 April, 2011

Week 9 Cooking. Savoury Corn and Cottage Cheese Muffins

You can find the recipe on Food in a Minute's website or by following
We made these on April Fool's day and Miss Yelchich in Room 1 thought that I might have been playing a trick on the children because it was quite spicy. I put cayene pepper in instead of paprika because I didn't have any. We did put in half the amount and most of the children liked them and went back for more and more. Some went running for their water bottles. WOOPS! Sorry!
Miss Y

04 April, 2011

Super Mathematicians

In Maths, we have been learning that “teen” means one 10 so then we know that a “teen” word is ones plus 10. For example, sixteen means six and 10. Then we went on to learn that “ty” at the end of words means many “tens”. So we know that “sixty” is six tens. The children use ice-block sticks to model this. Check back later for some photos of the class in action with this learning.

01 April, 2011

Week 9 Assembly Awards

Congratulations to Amelia and Gemma for trying really hard in their recount writing. Gemma has improved a lot and Amelia is working hard to write things in the right order. Hannah joined our class this week and she is quickly learning the Waiuku Primary school way while making lots of new friends. Well done!!